Translate and provide po files

There are several options helping you to translate po files for a web. For example

If using lingohub you got the option to work with kwf-lingohub to get your translation into your web, else you need to do it manually.


If using lingohub you first need to upload your parsed po files to lingohub. (it's planned to do this automatically after parsing)

It's recommended to add kwf-lingohub as requirement to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "koala-framework/kwf-lingohub": "dev-master"

You also need to set your account and project name in composer.json to enable kwf-lingohub to automaticall download needed resources on composer install and composer update.

    "extra": {
        "kwf-lingohub": {
            "account": "myaccount",
            "project": "myproject"

and your api-token in a config folder of your home directory. You find it in your lingohub account-settings on the right side.


    "apiToken": "YOUR-TOKEN"


If you are providing translation on your own (like with qt4 linguist or any other translation tool) you need to save your translation in trl folder

trl/language-code.po (e.g. trl/de.po for german)

and build your project to enable it.