Koala Framework supports Google Analytics and Piwik (aka Matomo) right out of the box.
To enable statistics you just need to add the component of your preferred method to your Root_Component:

class Root_Component extends Kwc_Root_Component
    public static function getSettings($param = null)
        $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
        $ret['generators']['statistics'] = array(
            'class' => 'Kwf_Component_Generator_Box_Static',
            'component' => 'Your_Statistics_Component',
            'inherit' => true
        return $ret;

Google Analytics

Use Kwc_Statistics_Analytics_Component as your statistics component.
Then add your analytics-code to your config.ini: = UA-12345-6

Piwik (Matomo)

Use Kwc_Statistics_Piwik_Component as your statistics component.
Then add your piwik-domain and id to your config.ini:

statistics.piwik.domain = = 20