A component can create child components, and you can change the component class of created child components.

To do that you have to modify the generators setting of the component:

class Example_Component extends Kwc_Abstract_Composite_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['generators']['child']['component']['text'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Text_Component';
        return $ret;

There two several ways how generators are defined:

//generator can have multiple child components
$ret['generators']['child']['component']['text'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Text_Component';

//generator can have single child component
$ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'Kwc_Basic_Text_Component';

Check the parent component class to see which is the correct way.

Child Settings

You can change the settings of a child component without creating a separate class for it by using childSettings.

This should only be done for small changes, if you want to change a large portion of the settings you should create a separate class for it or your code will become confusing.

Inside the $ret['childSettings'] array create an array with the key of "child_" followed by the key of the child component you want to change the settings of.

$ret['generators']['child']['component']['myText'] = 'MyText_Component';
$ret['childSettings'] = array(
    'child_myText' => array(
        'componentName' => trlStatic('My Text Component')

Reset child settings

By default the $ret['childSettings'] will be merged with the child's existing settings.
To fully override these settings set '_merge' to 'reset' in the setting you want to override.

$ret['generators']['child']['component']['myImage'] = 'MyImage_Component';
$ret['childSettings'] = array(
    'child_myImage' => array(
        'dimensions' => array(
            '_merge' => 'reset',
            'square500' => array('width' => 500, 'aspectRatio' => 1)

This will remove all the dimensions originally set in the child component and only the 'square500' option will be available.