allows sending mails similar to Kwf_Mail
but adds support for templates.
First you have to create a new Kwf_Mail_Template object with the 'new' operator. You will have to set the $template
parameter. This can either be a path (but no absolute) to your template in /views/mails or even a component- or a data-object. In the second case the template has to be placed in the component-folder.
Now you only have to set the receiver (and cc and bcc if you need) and call send.
There are several options you can configure. Just look at the Koala-Doc or directly in source code.
Code Example
view / mails / MyTemplate.html.tpl
<p>Dear <?=$this->fullname?>,</p>
<p>This is a message from Koala Framework.</p>
view / mails MyTemplate.txt.tpl
Dear <?=$this->fullname?>,
This is a message from Koala Framework.
Php code
$mailTemplate = new Kwf_Mail_Template('MyTemplate');
$mailTemplate->fullname = 'FooBar' //assign var that can be used in views
$mailTemplate->setFrom('', 'Example Name'); //optional, to override config default