When a form has to configure something for a special parent you will need something like binding. 1. Create your controller 2. define indexAction() 3. configure bindings 4. handle bindings in your controller
Create your controller
This step can be read here.
Define indexAction()
The indexAction function is needed to... TODO
Configure bindings
In your defined js-file you have to define the bindings field. Most of the time you will have a relation between some sort of list and a view of form. In the list you have to define the following:
var lessonsGrid = new Kwf.Auto.GridPanel({
controllerUrl: '/admin/lessons/category-lessons',//results in error
region: 'center'
var categoriesGrid = new Kwf.Auto.SyncTreePanel({
controllerUrl: '/admin/lessons/categories',
region: 'west',
width: 440,
split: true,
//this is used to set bindings
bindings: [{
item: lessonsGrid, //this is the form or view to bound
queryParam: 'category_id' //this is the field of the controller which is the parameter
title: 'Kategorien'
Handle bindings in your controller
You can access the binding value by typing:
Depending on your super class you can define the shown values by returning a customized select statement though
the function _getSelect().