You can add multiple filters on top of an AutoGrid. Change the filters by setting the _filters member variable of the AutoGrid controller.
Defining your filters can be done in any subclass from Kwf_Controller_Action_Auto_Abstract
The best way is to define them in preDispatch-function before calling parent::preDispatch()
or if you define them directly via
protected $_filters = followed by your filter-definitions
The simplest filter is a text filter that searches all displayed columns by default.
//default text filter:
$this->_filters = array('text' => true);
//optionally define fields that should be search, defaults to all columns
$this->_queryFields = array('foo');
//text filter with custom settings:
$this->_filters = array('text' => array(
'type' => 'TextField',
'width' => 90,
'label' => 'Filter:',
'queryFields' => array('foo', 'bar'), //search those fields
$this->_filters = array('active' => array(
'type' => 'Button'
'text' => 'Only Active:',
If no data is provided it's working with the model set for controller and querying for the key used for filter in filter-array.
$this->_filters = array('type' => array(
'type' => 'ComboBox',
'label' => trl('Type'),
'data' => array(
'skipWhere' => true
Date & DateRange
Additionally there are filters for Date and DateRange.
Change filtering
If you want custom logic in your controller you first have to disable the default filtering by adding skipWhere:
$this->_filters = array('inactive' => array(
'type' => 'Button'
and then implement your own logic in the controller:
protected function _getSelect()
$ret = parent::_getSelect();
if ($this->_getParam('query_inactive')) {
//show only inactive
$ret->whereEquals('active', false);
} else {
//show only active by default
$ret->whereEquals('active', true);
return $ret;
Filter Class
class MyFilter extends Kwf_Controller_Action_Auto_Filter_ComboBox
protected function _init()
$this->setLabel('My Filter:');
$data = array();
//$data[] = array('ID', 'DisplayText');
$data[] = array('1', 'Value 1');
$data[] = array('2', 'Value 2');
public function formatSelect($select, $params = array())
if (isset($params['query_column1'])) {
$column1 = $params['query_column1'];
//configure the select object
return $select;