You can use Kwc_Menu_EditableItems_Component for adding additional properties to menu items. This can be any component like an image (for an icon), a style select or a whole paragraphs.

To add EditableItms to a menu define it as child component in the menu:

 $ret['generators']['editableItems'] = array(
            'class' => 'Kwf_Component_Generator_Static',
            'component' => 'ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Component'
        $ret['editComponents'] = array('editableItems');

The EditableItems Component itself, which defines the child component which it instantiate for every menu item:

class ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Component extends Kwc_Menu_EditableItems_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['generators']['child']['component'] = 'ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Child_Component';
        return $ret;

The menu template needs to be overridden to output the child at the wanted position, like for example:

{% extends renderer.getComponentTemplate("Kwc_Menu_Component") %}

{% block menuLink %}
{{ renderer.component(m.editable) }}
{{ renderer.componentLink(, "#{linkPrefix}#{m.text}") }}
{% endblock %}

Child Image

The Child can be a simple Image, allows adding an image for every menu item.

Child Style

The Child can also be a custom component that outputs a style selected from a list:

class ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Child_Component extends Kwc_Abstract
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['ownModel'] = 'Kwf_Component_FieldModel';
        $ret['extConfig'] = 'Kwf_Component_Abstract_ExtConfig_Form';
        $ret['componentName'] = trlStatic('Style');
        return $ret;

class ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Child_Controller extends Kwf_Controller_Action_Auto_Kwc_Form

class ExampleMenu_EditableItems_Child_Form extends Kwc_Abstract_Form
    protected function _initFields()
        $this->add(new Kwf_Form_Field_Select('style', trl('Style')))
                'blue' => trl('Blue'),
                'red' => trl('Red'),

{{ }}