To create a menu you need to know "Kwc_Menu_Component".

You will also want to place the menu on a specified area on your website. To do so you have to add a box-generator into getSettings of your Root/Component.php.

class Root_Component extends Kwc_Root_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();

        $ret['generators']['box']['component']['mainMenu'] = 'Menu_Main_Component';
        // other initialisation stuff
        return $ret;

The last array index defines how to access this component in your Root/Master.tpl

Just add this at any location (in html) in your Master.tpl:

<html xmlns="">
    <body class="frontend">



Line 8 is needed to show the menu.

The last step is to add the menu to your config.ini file.

Add the following line:

kwc.pageCategories.main = NAMEOFMENU

the part after pageCategories (main) has to be set in the getSettings-Method of the component.

class Menu_Main_Component extends Kwc_Menu_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['level'] = 'main';
        $ret['cssClass'] .= ' webListNone';
        $ret['generators']['subMenu'] = array(
            'class' => 'Kwc_Menu_Generator',
            'component' => 'Menu_Sub_Component'
        return $ret;

$ret['generators']['subMenu'] is used to define a submenu component. Class defines the generator and component which component class should be used. The whole submenu is optional and can be nested as deep as you whish. Just add a generator into the subclass component to get another level.

class Menu_Sub_Component extends Kwc_Menu_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['level'] = 2;
        $ret['cssClass'] .= ' webListNone';
        $ret['generators']['subMenu'] = array(
            'class' => 'Kwc_Menu_Generator',
            'component' => 'Menu_SubSub_Component'
        return $ret;


class Menu_SubSub_Component extends Kwc_Menu_Component
    public static function getSettings()
        $ret = parent::getSettings();
        $ret['level'] = 3;
        $ret['cssClass'] .= ' webListNone';
        return $ret;

This is now a three-leveled menu.

You can now style the component like any other component.

Configuration happens in backend. There every menu has its own entry in sitetree.