Events are used to get informed when something happened. For example if data was inserted into a model and so on.
For this purpose there are several classes informing you about happenings. You can find them in Kwf/Kwf/Component/Event
Koala already uses this in it's core features like paragraphs, composite component and any sub-component.
In this context it's used to clear the cache on changes to data.
To listen to events just create a new file called Events.php
in your component folder and let the class extend Kwf_Component_Abstract_Events.
If you take a short look into Kwc_Abstract_Events
you will find a example getListeners-function which is used to define which events you want to listen to.
class Foo_Bar_Events extends Kwf_Component_Abstract_Events
public function getListeners()
$ret = array();
$ret[] = array(
'class' => 'ExampleModel',
'event' => 'Kwf_Events_Event_Row_Updated',
'callback' => 'onRowUpdate'
$ret[] = array(
'class' => 'ExampleModel',
'event' => 'Kwf_Events_Event_Row_Inserted',
'callback' => 'onRowInsert'
return $ret;
public function onRowUpdate(Kwf_Events_Event_Row_Updated $event)
// do your logic
public function onRowInsert(Kwf_Events_Event_Row_Inserted $event)
// do your logic
The class you might want to listen should fire events. An example is every row-class and model.
So if you want to listen to changes like insert/update/delete
of rows of a specific model just put the models name at the CLASS_TO_LISTEN
is used to define the event-class you are listening to.
references to the function in your events class which should be invoked.
To check if a concrete column has changed, because this is the only column shown by this component, you can use
$event->isDirty(array('customColumn1', 'customColumn2');