Here is a simple example how to use directories in Kwf
The example will build a simple ToDo list with detail view:
for this example we use a mysql table named todos with the following columns:
- id (int)
- component_id (int)
- todo (varchar)
- visible (tinyint)
The Directory:
create the Component.php
for ToDos
class ToDos_Directory_Component extends Kwc_Directories_ItemPage_Directory_Component
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['componentName'] = 'ToDos';
$ret['generators']['detail']['component'] = 'ToDos_Detail_Component';
$ret['childModel'] = 'ToDos_Directory_Model';
$ret['extConfigControllerIndex'] = 'Kwc_Directories_Item_Directory_ExtConfigTabs';
return $ret;
create the ToDos model:
class ToDos_Directory_Model extends Kwf_Model_Db_Proxy
protected $_table = 'todos';
protected $_toStringField = 'text';
Now we have to override the Controller and Form
class ToDos_Directory_Controller extends Kwc_Directories_Item_Directory_Controller
protected function _initColumns()
$this->_columns->add(new Kwf_Grid_Column('id'));
$this->_columns->add(new Kwf_Grid_Column('todo', 'tToDo'));
$this->_columns->add(new Kwf_Grid_Column_Visible('visible'));
create a FormController.php
class ToDos_Directory_FormController extends Kwc_Directories_Item_Directory_FormController
protected function _initFields()
$this->_form->add(new Kwf_Form_Field_TextField('todo', 'ToDo'));
next we add the child component for the single ToDos created by the ToDos generator
create the ToDos/Detail Component.php
class ToDos_Detail_Component extends Kwc_Directories_Item_Detail_Component
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['componentName'] = 'ToDo';
return $ret;
we finally create the ToDos / Deatil Component.tpl where we print out our ToDos text
<div class="<?=$this->cssClass?>">