A generator can have a different flags. The main advantage of those flags is that they are static and so can be cached for efficient usage.
class Example_FooGenerator extends Kwf_Component_Generator_Static_Page
public function getGeneratorFlags()
$ret = parent::getGeneratorFlags();
$ret['showInPageTreeAdmin'] = true;
return $ret;
class Example_Component extends Kwc_Abstract
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['generators']['foo'] = array(
'class' => 'Example_FooGenerator',
'component' => 'Example_Foo_Component',
'name' => 'foo'
return $ret;
This is a list of available generator flags:
- showInLinkInternAdmin (pages created by this generator should be shown when choosing link target)
- showInPageTreeAdmin (data created by this generator should be shown in page tree admin)
- pageGenerator (is the generator which creates main pages based on kwf_pages table)
- page (creates pages)
- pseudoPage (creates pseudo pages)
- box (creates boxes)
- multiBox (creates multiBox)
- table (creates child data based on model)
- static (creates static child data)
- staticSelect
- hasHome (can create a home)
- chainedType
- trlBase