
To change a component's HTML output, you can create a Component.twig file in the component's folder.
The file will be used after the next build of the project.

For detailed information on how to use the twig template-engine, you can read the official twig-documentation.

Example: Component.twig

In the Component.twig you have access to a variable rootElementClass.
This is a class-name unique to your component.

<div class="{{ rootElementClass }}">
    <h1>Example content</h1>

Styling the template

To style the html of your component, you can add a Component.scss file.
You can then add your styles to the css-selector .kwcClass, this will reference the rootElementClass set in your Component.twig.

.kwcClass {
    // Styles for the html-element with the class "rootElementClass".

Defining variables for your template

You can access anything returned by the getTemplateVars() function of your Component.php like follows:

public function getTemplateVars(Kwf_Component_Renderer_Abstract $renderer)
    $ret = parent::getTemplateVars($renderer);
    $ret['myText'] = "Some text";
    return $ret;
<div class="{{ rootElementClass }}">
    {{ myText }}

You can also access anything in the placeholder array returned in the getSettings() function of your Component.php like follows:

public static function getSettings($param = null)
    $ret = parent::getSettings($param);
    $ret['placeholder']['myText'] = "Some text";
    return $ret;
<div class="{{ rootElementClass }}">
    {{ placeholder.myText }}