A component can have a different flags in it's static settings (getSettings function). The main advantage of those flags is that they are static and so can be cached for efficient usage.
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['flags']['hasFulltext'] = true;
return $ret;
This is a list of available component flags:
- hasFulltext (component can add custom contents to the fulltext index)
- skipFulltext (skip fulltext indexing for complete page when this component exists)
- skipFulltextRecursive (skip fulltext indexing for complete page and child pages when this component exists)
- usesFulltext (component uses the fulltext index, if set events are processed)
- hasLanguage (component has getLanguage method, used by translation system)
- hasAvailableLanguages (component has static getAvailableLanguages)
- hasBaseProperties (component has getBaseProperty($propertyName), used eg. by language)
- subroot
- noIndex (add noindex meta tag)
- hasHome
- metaTags
- hasAlternativeComponent
- processInput (component has processInput method)
- forwardProcessInput (component has getForwardProcessInputComponents method)
- chainedType
- menuCategory
- resetMaster (component has own Master.tpl and master templates above won't be used)
- hasIsVisibleDynamic (component has isVisibleDynamic method implemented to get hidden dynamically)
- hasAnchors (if set to true getAnchors() has to be implemented so that Kwc_Basic_LinkTag_Intern_Component can link to an anchor)
- assetsPackage (to split assets in multiple packages) (since 4.1)
- searchContent (deprecated)
- processMailRedirectInput (for Mails to get recipient data passed as GET parameter) (since 4.3)
Flags in Detail
Return an array of keys like defined in for example schema.xml of your solr config.
Implement function in Component.php
public function getFulltextContent()
$ret = array();
$ret['type'] = 'publicdownloads';
$ret['title'] = $this->getData()->getRow()->title;
$ret['contenth2'] = $this->getData()->getRow()->teaser;
return $ret;