Components in the component tree are created by so called "Generators". Any Component can have such generators and so create child components.
The most important property of a generator is which type of item it creates and which component class it creates.
Component Class:
The component class of an item defines how the item contents looks like and it's content. A component class can have child component items.
Component Type:
The type of a component item defines it's role. The type does not define if there are child component items.
Component Plain component with no extra role. This component usually gets embedded by others
Page Component gets displayed on it's own page. Has it's own url that can also be resolved.
Box Component get's displayed outside the main content in a so called box as it is defined in the master
PseudoPage This is a not so commonly used type that doesn't have it's own url but adds a filename part to the url for it's children.
Generator Type:
This is how the generator creates children:
Static Generator Child component is statically defined (fixed)
Table Generator child components are created based on contents of a model. This model is editable in the backend.
StaticSelect Generator Select one of defined classes, selection is editable in the backend
Based on the combination of Component Type (component, page, box) and Generator Type (static, table) the following generator classes exist:
: plain component, staticSettings: multiple component
: plain component, tableSettings: single component, model (defaults to childModel of component)
: page, staticSettings: name, filename (optional)
: page, table -
: box, static -
: box, static select -
: pseudo page, staticSettings: filename or name (auto-generated filename based on name)
: pseudo page, table -
: multi box, static
To use a generator in order to create child components for a component you have to add a new generator to it's settings.
Simple Example: static child component
In the following example we want to have a component Bar below Foo:
class Foo_Component extends Kwc_Abstract
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['generators']['bar'] = array(
'class' => 'Kwf_Component_Generator_Static',
'component' => 'Bar_Component'
return $ret;
Example: table page generator
class Foo_Component extends Kwc_Abstract
public static function getSettings()
$ret = parent::getSettings();
$ret['generators']['bars'] = array(
'class' => 'Kwf_Component_Generator_Page_Table'
'model' => 'Foo_ChildModel',
'component' => 'Bar_Component'
return $ret;