Import newsletter subscribers using CLI

Import newsletter subscribers using the command-line in projects using kwc-newsletter.

Import Command

kwf symfony kwc_newsletter:import-subscribers
    --file=[path to csv of subscribers]
    --newsletterComponentId=[component-id of target newsletter]
    --categoryId=[id of target newsletter category]
    --source=[Short message, where the subscribers came from]
    --newsletterSource=[optional newsletter-source]
    --ignoreDoubleOptIn [optional, only specify if the subscribers should be set to "active" immediately]

CSV Of Subscribers

Following fields can be set in the CSV File: - email [required] - title [optional] - firstname [optional] - lastname [optional] - gender [optional - if specified this must be "male" or "female"]



Example Import Command

kwf symfony kwc_newsletter:import-subscribers --file=new_owners_april_2020.csv --newsletterComponentId=root-at_newsletter --categoryId=1000 --source="New Owners April 2020"

Combine Newsletter-Categories

kwf symfony kwc_newsletter:combine-category-subscribers
    --newsletterComponentId=[component-id of target newsletter]
    --sourceCategoryIds=[id of source newsletter category]
    --targetCategoryId=[id of target newsletter category]
    --source=[Short message for log]


The following command will delete the source-category and add every subscriber of the source-category to the target-category.

kwf symfony kwc_newsletter:combine-category-subscribers --newsletterComponentId=root_newsletter --sourceCategoryIds=200 --targetCategoryId=250 --source="Move subscribers from 200 into 250"